Checkout some of the features and templates

Keyword Analysis

Keyword Research

It all starts with one single keyword, understanding the traffic of your keyword which will play the most important part in driving traffic to your campaign.

Keywords Trend

Compare multiple keywords in one go and understand in the long run the performance of individual keywords against another. Hence, helping you choose the best keywords for your content.

Trending Content

Based on your keyword, search the best trending topic over the internet and get ideas on what your content should look like.

Content Intelligence

Landing Page Scoring

Score your landing page and improve your content with respect to google’s BERT algorithm. A must have for SEO optimization.

Keyword Extraction

Enter your competitors landing page and get all the important and performing keywords instantly. Saving your time in research and analysis.

Content grading

Grade your existing content based on a multitude of parameters such as SERP ranking, content trend, BERT ranking to derive a score and further optimize for better results.

Content generation

Google Ads

Creating high-converting ad copy for Google ads. Effective headlines, well-written descriptions, and results worth seeing.

Facebook ads

Create perfect headlines, primary text and select the perfect picture from stock photography websites.


Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.


Positioning your product to address pain, agitation, and solution.

Keyword insertion

Want to improve the performance of your existing content ? Use this feature to instantly generate fresh content with your focus keyword without losing the intent of your content.


Easily rewrite your content and make it all fresh


Summarize paragraph articles quickly into concise sentences.

Paragraph to bullet

Quickly convert your long paragraphs into key bullet points

Blog assistant

Write your own blogs with the help of an AI assistant to complete your unfinished sentences.

Long form blog generation

In a matter of seconds write a complete blog post of more than 600 words!